Craig Parker Law Attorney, Lawyer Craig Parker, Richmond In.

  Saturday February 08 2025  
Attorney Craig Parker

Craig C. Parker • Parker Law LLC

Real Estate:

Real estate transactions are done every day all over the world. Most of the time these matters are uneventful and fairly boring, and usually the end result is satisfactory to the parties involved. But sometimes oversight can result in problems, long-lasting problems.

Careful attention to detail and a thorough review of documents and the property itself can prevent unhappy conclusions.

At Parker Law LLC, we handle a wide range of residential and commercial real estate matters throughout East Central Indiana. Our attorneys provide skilled legal services and guidance in issues including:

• Warranty Deeds
• Quit Claim Deeds
• Negotiating and drafting Real Estate Contracts
• Breach of Real Estate Contracts
• Title Insurance Claims
• Quiet Title
• Liens

Contact Parker Law LLC to schedule a consultation regarding your real estate matter.

Please call with any questions (765)-373-8065